The idea of being alive and invisible in any social context can be scary and affect how you see yourself. You will see yourself as socially awkward and unwanted.
This feeling of being unwanted for a longer period (years) will start affecting all areas of life.
Even if they try to talk about feeling invisible, most people around them will disregard their feelings. According to them, it is a perception and an introverted nature that is clouding their thinking.
In reality, it is not a perception.
It is a reflection of the actual experience of an individual. It is mostly linked to social isolation, loneliness, and lack of recognition in personal and professional environments for a long period of time.
Based on such experiences, a man can start making perceptions that he is not good enough be it physically or otherwise. But it is never perception alone. It is a byproduct of such experiences.

Key reasons
Looks and Physical Features: Let us accept that not all of us are blessed with attractive features and incredible looks. Most of us are below-average or average-looking men. Good looks do help in creating a first impression but that does not mean average people are left out. Many supposedly good-looking men go through loneliness in life. So physical features are not the main culprit for you being invisible.
Introverts: Most invisible men are introverts and they in comparison to extroverts will be less noticeable in a social situation. If you hypothetically alter the situation and make the gathering with only introverts. You will find yourself less anxious and “invisible”. But as we all know this is not a practical situation.
So what should you do?
You should practice being a little more social than what you are comfortable with. Start approaching people, smiling more often, and being less self-introspective in such situations. Start somewhere with these changes. It will be a slow process but it will help you be more noticeable and more importantly make an opportunity for people to know you better.
Social anxiety: We talked about introversion and possible solutions. But introverts are also socially anxious people which makes suggesting changes more difficult.
This social anxiety makes you look awkward as your body language becomes stiff and you avoid making eye contact.
If social anxiety is extreme and you find it difficult to manage, it is recommended you seek professional help and therapy to overcome this situation smoothly.
Low self-esteem: Men with low self-esteem and self-worth also find it difficult to navigate themselves in such situations. They mentally withdraw themselves which further adds to the problem.
Cultural dynamics: Our cultural dynamics also play a role in how we feel and experience things. If you are placed in certain dynamics where your personality trait does not align well with cultural or social dynamics, you are bound to feel invisible.
Being less assertive: Some people are less assertive by nature. They cannot convey or assert their needs and find it challenging to express themselves. This leads to dissatisfaction in life and unmet needs. It makes you feel like your existence hardly matters to anyone.
What can you do?
There are quite a few things you can do. Start getting social and communicative at social gatherings. You don’t have to be an extrovert or change yourself drastically from who you really are. It is the minor changes in how you present yourself, dress up, and talk to other people. Don’t wait for people to talk to you. Be the first mover.
Seek therapy if you feel overwhelmed or confused most of the time.